State and path functions and their differentials

State and path functions and their differentials State of the system State of a thermodynamic system is described by its measurable or macroscopic (bulk) properties. • When the fundamental properties such as pressure, volume, temperature, number of moles and composition have definite values, the system is said to be in any definite state. • When … Read more


INTENSIVE AND EXTENSIVE PROPERTIES  THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES The macroscopic or bulk properties of a system can be divided into two parts :- (a) Extensive properties (b) Intensive properties (a) Extensive properties The properties of a system whose value depends on the quantity or size of matter are called extensive properties. ( i.e., extensive properties depends on … Read more

Definition of Thermodynamic Terms and Types of System

Definition of Thermodynamic Terms , Types of System

Definition of Thermodynamic Terms and Types of System Introduction to Thermodynamics Thermodynamics is formed by combination of two Greek words – ‘therme‘ and ‘dynamikos‘. The word ‘therme’ means “heat” and ‘dynamikos’ stands for “power or motion”. i.e., the flow of heat is called thermodynamics Definition of Thermodynamics The branch of physical chemistry that deals with … Read more

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