Explanation of Behaviour of Real Gases Using Vander Waal’s Equation

Explanation of Behaviour of Real Gases Using Vander Waal’s Equation As we know the Van der Walls equation for n moles of a real gas is, \( \left( {P + \frac{{an^2 }}{{V^2 }}} \right)\left( {V – bn} \right) = nRT \) For one mole of gas, put n=1, \( \left( {P + \frac{{a}}{{V^2 }}} \right)\left( … Read more

Application of Vanderwaals Equation in Calculation of Boyle’s temperature

Application of Vanderwaals Equation in Calculation of Boyle’s temperature Consider the Z vs P plots of nitrogen at different temperatures varying between – 70°C and 50 °C • The graph shows that as the temperature is raised, the dip in the curve becomes smaller and smaller. At 50°C the curve is almost horizontal for an … Read more

Maxwell’s Distribution of Velocities and Energies

Maxwell’s Distribution of Velocities and Energies  Maxwell’s Distribution of Molecular Velocities Actually, as a result of collisions, a redistribution of both velocity and energy takes place. • But for convenience, it was supposed that all molecules in a given gas at a given temperature were moving with a constant root-mean-square velocity u. By utilizing probability … Read more

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